Sacred Art for your electronic devices

Beautiful Sacred Art new each day and paired to the daily Liturgical readings

Downloaded to the home screens of your:

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bring Sacred Art into your daily life with a new image every day

“Art is able to manifest and make visible the human need to surpass the visible, it expresses the thirst and the quest for the infinite.”

— Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

“Sacred images in our churches and homes are intended to awaken and nourish our faith in the mystery of Christ.”

— Catechism of the Catholic Church (1192)

“Genuine Sacred Art draws man to adoration, to prayer and to the love of God, Creator and Savior, the Holy One and Sanctifier.”

— Catechism of the Catholic Church (2502)

“Thanks also to the help of artists, the knowledge of God can be better revered, and the preaching of the Gospel can become clearer to the human mind.”

— Saint John Paul II